I made the comment that "I'm sick of those loser occupiers." (Well, I am!) Unfortunately, some people took it extremely personal. This all took place on Angela's facebook page and wasn't my intention. Someone called me ignorant, someone said I offended them, blah blah blah. Angela asked the person who called me ignorant to remove that comment and like a petulant child she basically replied "it's not fair!!! waaaa!" The funny part of all of this is that I didn't have my phone with me so I didn't even know it was going on. Also funny, I honestly don't care what they had to say but laughed profusely and mocked them for their comments later in the day.
Because it was Angela's page, and because I'm respectful to my friend, I chose not to reply and further insight the 99%. However, on MY BLOG, I will write my opinion.
First, they don't represent me! I'm neither the 1% wealthy, controlling American nor am I the dirty hippies sleeping in a park and pooping like animals, all while costing the tax payers tons of money! I am a member of who knows what percentage, who is fed up with freeloaders, disgusted with government, and irritated by the media.
I think someone (the local governments) needs to crack down on these freeloading, dead beat, dirty hippies who are living in the parks, costing taxpayers tons of money, and accomplishing nothing. I say gas them, bring the street sweepers in, and get rid of two problems at once! Sweep up the trash and the trashy people!
On the other hand, I will agree with the disgust of greed. I don't think the answer is making the rich pay everyone's tab, but I do think eliminating all of the loopholes might help, also stop handing out so many freebies and we won't need so much tax money. I get the idea of being fed up with corporate greed and ironically enough I agree with what I think OWS stands for. I don't think destroying Wall St will do any good for any of us but I'm up to my eyeballs in disgust with corporate greed and sell out politicians!
Another of Angela's friend made a comment, neither agreeing or disagreeing with me, and I thought it was genius! This is a quote, I'm leaving his name out for the sake of anonymity and because I don't know him, but this is what he said...
What about all those heads of companies who are making millions by building a company from scratch, risking their own well-being to do so, and are creating many jobs in the process. Are they part of the 1%? Are we to demonize them for their ...hard work? The other 99% can't say they've gotten no or little raises recently. Many people I know, who are part of the 99%, are doing quite well. Several are even thriving. So the "99%" marching is really probably only 4%. Wish they actually had a message and goal so I could understand their angst versus just hating the rich.
I'm a big supporter of freedom to assemble, freedom of speech, and freedom of association, however; I'm also a fan of paying your bills! If I wanted to host a large event in a park there would be a few things required to make it happen. (I used to work for the Parks & Recreation department, in administration, so I happen to know what I'm talking about here.) I'd have to get a noise permit, I'd need portalets, and I'd have to make sure we had security on site. The amount of portalets and security needed would be determined by my estimated expected attendance. There's also a good chance I'd need to pay some sort of monetary deposit as well and if it was going to be a large event I'd need to secure generators and all if this would be the financial responsibility of the event sponsors or coordinators.
With all that said, if the occupiers have taken all of these steps then good for them, carry on, and good luck! However, since I doubt they've done any of those things and I've read the statistics of what they're costing the taxpayers I say pay up or get out! Occupy Wall St, alone, is expected to cost the city (aka TAXPAYERS!) $2million! This, so called, movement has spread to nearly 150 cities and although I'm sure the costs will be less in several of those cities, they are NOT THE TAXPAYERS RESPONSIBILITY! So, I say to all of those who are supporting them, write some checks because my money shouldn't be wasted on it!
There seems to be no clear message, no direction, and no class amongst these people. Look here to see some of the classless signs they are marching with. The costumes and zombie outfits and outrageous silliness of it all makes it hard to take them seriously. If they really wanted to have an impact on the banks, they'd pull all of their money out of them, pay off all of their loans and not take on more, create a financial exodus from their enemies. I'd like to know how many of the protesters are using their iPads, iPhones, and laptops or have loans, checking accounts, etc with the very institutions they are claiming to hate so much...
And, on a side note...what the heck do Russel Simmons & Kanye West have to do with occupying?
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